Hello Miss Miley
Everyone was shocked when Miss Miley chopped off her gorgeous locks, and dyed her hair bleach blonde. Was she going to pull a Britney Spears and go off the rails? That would be a total waste of the countless hours of Pilates classes.
When Britney Spears came out with her video "Baby One More Time," she was 17 in a midriff bearing school girl get-up (considered to be cute, but sexy). Along with similar age and styled artists: Christina Aguelaria, Mandy Moore, and Jessica Simpson. When Miley showed some cleavage in a yellow gown (at the same age) critics were harsh, noting her 'daring cleavage' must be breast implants. She couldn't escape her child star image.
Thankfully Miss Miley didn't fully go B. Spears on us and only shed some pounds and her Hanna Montana image. The Pink-esque bleach blonde hair cut and ripped bod, made people disassociate Miss Miley with Hanna Montana. Helping to define herself as a celebrity, artist, and trendsetter.
People will look at the cover of Cosmo and think "Damn"-- she's got style and sex appeal!
Cosmo couldn't have put it better "It's Miley B*itches.."